Register for Dharma School

From our Dharma School Superintendent Dr. Ken Furukawa:

Welcome to the 2024-2025 Dharma School year!  As with all summers the months of June, July, and August just seemed to zip by.  Thank you to all the students and parents who helped with the activities and work associated with Obon and Bazaar!  I saw so many of you working at Bazaar set up activities, Bazaar shifts of various types and clean up the day after!   It is absolutely true that these events could not take place without your work and participation... thank you! 

Our first class session will be 9/15 since 9/1 is during the Labor Day weekend.  Similar to last year we will have class sessions after services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. The Dharma School teachers will meet that day to work on the Dharma School year calendar, events, and class support.  

Student registration is online.

Interested in helping teach Dharma School?  We are looking for parents or other adult Sangha members to help with teaching our upper division classes.  No experience necessary!  If you see me or any other Dharma School teacher just let us know, or call or message the Betsuin office.  We look forward to hearing from you!

In Gassho,

Ken Furukawa, Superintendent


Together We Rise: United Against Hate


Fall Ohigan Lecture